Abdelhai Afrani

Doctor in private law and criminal sciences, I wrote my thesis at l’Université Via Domitia de Perpignan fifteen years ago. Since 2011, I have been a teacher-researcher at the Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales Abdelmalek Essadi de Tanger. I teach criminology as well as criminal business law for the master’s cycle. I also teach criminal law and criminal procedure at HEM Casablanca and since 2016, I have been authorized to supervise research.

In addition, I am a consultant with Consultalliances based in Tanger and specialise in legal advice and training.

My research focuses on the sociology of law and the necessary balance between legislative norms and societal developments.

Working in academia gives me the freedom, flexibility and expertise to analyse social phenomena in relation to legal sciences.

As part of the research project « Les identités plurielles des enfants de couples mixte au Maroc : entre transmission, choix personnel et contraintes sociales », my professional skills will help in supervising a doctoral student who is working on an issue related to the project.